"My Swim with the Sharks" by Richard Taylor - Book Review
"My Swim with the Sharks" is a story about a personal battle with a drug and alcohol addiction. Addiction is an insidious disease; it destroys people's health, families and breaks down our society. Richard knew this, yet he found himself unable to stop drinking or doing drugs. In spite of everything that he was experiencing, Richard knew it was wrong, he knew it was destroying him and his friends, and he battled hard to overcome it. Richard is a machinist. He drinks and smokes pot. As he notices his co-workers work performance failing, he discovers that they are heavily involved with drugs. He also gets caught up in it. He sees how destructive it is. He decides to gather information on the dealers and take it to law enforcement agencies. The law enforcement people that he deals with make a lot of false promises and don't really seem interested into getting to the heart of the a course in miracles . It seems that they like to make little busts to keep their records...