Had A Miracle In Your Life Today

 Miracles - some people believe in them, others don't and many people never give them a second thought. But I will guarantee during your life today you will experience many of them whether you believe in them or not.

Miracle - an event that appears to be contrary to the laws of nature and is regarded as an act of God. Now my definition - things that happen in our lives that we just can't explain or define.

-Meeting just the right person at the right time.

-80,000 heartbeats a day.

-A surprise check in the mail you were not expecting.

-45,000 breaths every day.

-Friends and family that stand with you during difficult times.

-Three trillion chemical reactions in the human body every second - 24/7/365.

I could go on for pages but I just want you to consider for a moment that miracles are nothing more than your perspective on life. Sure the sun comes up every day and unless you are on vacation you most likely don't put this daily event in the category of miracles - but consider - what if you were isolated for months without access to sunshine would you consider it a miracle when you saw your first sunrise in years?

You may think I'm being silly or that I don't understand the concept of a miracle, I guess I look at life differently than many people and I feel that having had so many wonderful years (yes I've had my share of problems, adversity, trials and failures) is a miracle. You might call them blessings, luck or just the simple fact that it's life but for me every un curso de milagros I wake up - this is a miracle and why? Well statistics show that every night 45,000 people die in their sleep. I got another day - it's a miracle.

The other issue with miracles is that if you don't expect them even though you receive them every day, you will tend to take life for granted. And this is a shame because life, every minute is a gift and a miracle. Know how I know? Well one day it will all end here on earth for you or someone you know or love and that will be the end of the miracle of life for them. Yes if they lived their life correctly they will move on to a higher place but they are no longer with you to share laughter, adventures, smiles and so much more.


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