Why Some Christians Choose New Age-Mysticism

 My mother introduced me to the Charismatic Renewal. This was within the Catholic Church and involved what is called the Baptism by the Holy Spirit. People who participated in the Charismatic Renewal often displayed what is known as the Gifts of the Spirit: praying in tongues, the interpretation of tongues, prophecy, releasing of spirits and the healing of the sick. The greatest of these gifts is love. (You can read about this in 1 Corinthians 12-14.)

I was actively involved in the Charismatic Renewal for approximately 6 years. It was my introduction to mysticism.

I explored mysticism more deeply through what is known as Centering Prayer. In this type of prayer you use a mantra to assist in the mystical teachings of jesus the mind of all but God. Connecting to God in this manner was powerful. It is what some call "a personal relationship" with God.

Before I entered the convent I had the mistaken belief that everyone there had a personal relationship with the divine and knew about and practiced mysticism in some way. That wasn't correct. Yes, there were some, but not many... which, by the way, doesn't discount these women's commitment to living their life according to the teachings of Jesus.

The Catholic Church has a rich history of mysticism. What I discovered, however, is mysticism was an unusual experience which most people considered, shall we say, different and somehow on the fringes. I often say that the Roman Church accepts its mystics but prefers them to be deeply hidden in a monastery or deceased saints.

When I discovered what is called the New Age movement, I found a group of people who were active mystics. They knew about, believed in and wanted to have spiritual experiences many people consider eccentric, off-beat or down right crazy.

The desire for a personal relationship with Spirit was paramount. Everyone wants it. They want to know what is their path, what they are called to do in this life. In Christianity "path" would be the same as vocation, mission or ministry.

Meditation, often using a mantra, is a given in the metaphysical community... not that everyone does it, but is held in high esteem and greatly encouraged.

When a group of metaphysical people gather, they easily talk about their connection to Spirit, their struggles to be true to their path and their spiritual experiences. They... perhaps I should say "we"... enjoy being with others who accept that mysticism is everywhere and that what others call strange spiritual experiences are common place.

And, by the way, the Gifts of the Spirit mentioned above are commonly found in the metaphysical community. Some may use different terminology, but they are there.


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